DK Schoolhouse Crafting

Monday, February 16, 2015

V is for Valentine's---or is it?

There was a time when Valentine’s Day was centered solely on children. Parents and children would mass-produce Valentine cards and teachers would receive an ever growing pile of handmade cards and lisped requests to ‘Be Mine’. 

There would be a stack of Valentine’s to take home and ‘No child left behind’ thanks to the sensible mothers who knew how to assembly line her household when needed. Valentine’s was simply a day to tell one’s family and friends how much they were loved. 

Nowadays thanks to constant media input, it’s difficult to look at Valentine’s as anything other than a day of heavily commercialized canned romance, gushing Hallmark cards, expensive presents and unrealistic expectations. 

How do we keep V-Day child friendly? We’ve complied a list of our favorite crafts and activities that bring the spirit of LOVE back into Valentine’s. 

Friends Holding Hands
Have each child place their hands along the outside of a large piece of paper. On the center of the paper write "PRE-K1 Friends Holding Hands"
Ask parents to bring in pictures of the children with a friend to post in the classroom. Place a piece of contact paper over the picture to attach it to the wall at eye level. Talk to the children about their friends in the picture. If possible, take pictures throughout the week to post as well, of the children with their new friends.


A sweet way to show someone how much you love them. This craft is super-simple and perfect for pulling out at the last minute if time is ticking.

The More We Get Together (Rhyme) The more we get together, together, together The more we get together the happier we'll be. 'Cuz your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends The more we get together the happier we'll be.  With child's name, and child's name, and child's name, and child's name The more we get together the happier we'll be. With child's name, and child's name, and child's name, and child's name The more we get together the happier we'll be.

Hand & Foot Prints 
This craft can also be used for birthdays, Mother's and Father's day. They probably WON'T come out as picture perfect as shown here (What toddler manages to get both his hands and feet dunked in paint and not spill even a drop?? I mean REALLY.) but who cares as long as your little one is having fun spreading the love. 

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